Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Andrea Sneiderman: Denial by any other name, is still denial

The murder of Rusty Sneiderman shook the foundation of our community on November 18th, 2010. The schools were on lock down, the parents notified and in a moment our sense of security disappeared. When the details of this horrific crime were revealed, our sense of security quickly returned as we began to see the crime appeared more targeted, almost like a professional hit rather than a random act of violence.

Our suspicions were confirmed when Andrea Sneiderman's boss was arrested less than two months after Rusty's death.  I remember talking with a friend about the arrest and how we hoped against hope there was no affair between the co-workers. Maybe it was a financial dispute, or maybe he was simply obsessed with Andrea.......

On Tuesday, the trial testimony began as did our opportunity to gain a clearer picture of what drove Hemy Neuman 'mad'.

Andrea Sneiderman was the first witness called, and she was mercilessly questioned about the nature of her relationship with Hemy Neuman. She offered a resolute denial, there was no affair with Mr. Neuman. And after watching/reading Andrea's testimony over the past two days, there is one thing I can say about Andrea Sneiderman..... She is definitely in denial.

Her testimony was baffling to me. It was like watching someone speaking who could not hear the answers she was giving. I'll do my best to explain what I mean below.

Andrea testified she worked for Hemy, a man who consistently made advances toward her, but who she considered essentially harmless. At one point even referring to Mr. Neuman as a 'silly boy' when it came to his behavior toward her. Andrea was the only adult working in her house, and she needed the job. She did not report Mr. Neuman's behavior she did not want to cause waves as he was her direct supervisor. Ok, Sounds reasonable so far.

After all many women are flirted with in the workplace and many do not make a federal case of it. Some women may even keep this behavior from their spouse as their own little secret, the flirting making them feel good at the time. Andrea seemed to find Hemy's crush harmless if not annoying.

She was then asked to explain some questionable emails in which Hemy said he wished Andrea was with him on his family vacation, to which she replied, ditto. And then an email in which Hemy proposed marriage.

At this point Andrea said she was becoming more uncomfortable with Hemy and beginning to distance herself from him.  She was then asked to explain why she continued to travel with Hemy when she was trying distance herself to which she explained this was a part of her job to travel on business, ok...... Somewhat plausible, that is until other witnesses were called.

Like the hotel manager who was asked to place Hemy and Andrea in adjoining rooms and not to move them
Like the bartender who served them on a SC business trip witnessing them dancing, groping, grinding and kissing.  The bartender said she assumed they were a couple, even turned her head at times because they were enjoying their moments together

I could go on with other witnesses who seemed to corroborate an affair between Hemy and Andrea, an affair she continued to deny. Even as she was presented with black and white evidence to the contrary.  Including an email in which she writes she is atoning for her betrayal of her family, a betrayal she later explained as the act of holding Hemy's hand.  Oh crap, if holding hands with someone else is the standard, turns out I've betrayed my husband a lot, but let's keep that to ourselves. 

Andrea's testimony was sad to watch for manyreasons.  It was sad because it appears Andrea did have an affair with the man who would murder her husband, and that she was basically put on trial today for adultery after living through the unimaginiable death of her husband.  It was sad to know she must live with the guilt of the choices she made, the choices that eventually resulted in her husbands death (no I am not holding her responsible-Hemy did this)

But mostly I struck and saddened by her denial. 
Many of you may question whether Andrea was involved in Rusty's murder because of some of her implausible explanations, even lies she gave today.  But I do not believe she was involved.  I believe she intensly believes everything she says.  She has to. because the alternative, the reality is too much to bear.

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