If you haven't met my 5 year old daughter, you really should. She is a force to be reckoned with, just ask her. What I've realize being Addison's mom is she believes the world belongs to her, and we just live in it.
In this section of my blog, I'm going to begin keeping a record of some of the crazy things she does and says, so you too can begin experiencing what we do on a daily basis.
11.4.2012: Addison, like many younger siblings is interested in all things Tyler (her older brother ). She is especially interested when Ty has a friend over.
Ty and Adam were outsidonlne Addie asks if she can go out.
We said, no. Tyler wants to spend time with his friend and it's late.
Ok she says
A minute later..... It's dark outside mom. Inthink Tyler needs a flashlight. I'll take it to them!
11.2.2012: so Friday is family movie night and today's movie a classic from the 80's back to the future. It's a pg and we let Addie watch too. What I've noticed about pg movies from the 80's. lots and lots of cussing. Back to the future has its fair share too
At the end of the movie Addie says 'what the hell' to which me, kelly and Tyler said Addison we do not say that word, it's a bad word and can get you in trouble.
Addison says 'its actually kind of a funny sounding word' To which we said Addison we do not want to hear you say it again, and Tyler added you can even get sent to the principals office for saying it.
To which Addie replied 'Ok, I won't say it at school'
10.27.2012: so we are driving home from the park today and Tyler was educating the family on the various gods of Greek mythology. He says, mom your and Addie's favorite goddesses are Venus and Aphrodite the goddesses of beauty and love.
Addison replied: I think I'm more like the goddess of sassy and pretty. ;).
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