Friday, January 20, 2012

And another one bites the dust.....

Say it isnt so, Rick Perry out! And after entering the GOP race with so much promise and fanfare. It's amazing how quickly a bright star falls after a couple of sub par debate performances. Or was it the fact that if you closed your eyes and just listen for a few moments to Rick Perry that you were transposed to another place and time and thought you were instead
listening to the sweet sound of George w Bush. Unfortunately for Perry not everyone is brought to the same calm and serene place when they hear the sound of a Texas governor speaking about Christianity and the exceptionalism of America. But I have to admit I wasn't completely sold on the conservative record of a guy who campaigned for al gore, maybe it's just me though

And then there were 4: mitt Romney. Newt gingrich, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum
Or as I like to call them:
A rhino republican
A college professor
Walter (inside family joke)
A neophyte
Each of whom will make a far superior president than the left wing, socialist, college professor, inexperienced excuse of president we currently have

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