Tuesday, February 7, 2012

MO(mentum) to Santorum...

Holy, Moly?.....Early lead for Santorum in CO! Could go 3/3
It definitely appears that way, at least today. Santorum won the MO primary and is the projected winner of the MN caucuses, CO results are not final yet.
Big night for the Sanotum campaign, but wait a minute, because things change quickly in this GOP race for the Presidential nomination.
Just ask Romney, who should have been basking in his FL victory but instead spent the day backing up his comments taken out of context about not caring about the poor.
So how long will Santorum's MO last????? We will have to wait and see but my guess is the super PAC attack ads are getting ready to be unleashed by all 'Non Santorum' groups.
So let's total state results:
New Hamshire-Romney
CO-awaiting results
By my count, it's Santorum 3, Romney 2, Newt 1, Paul 0.
So should we expect Santorum to call for Newt and Paul to drop out so he can go head to head with Romney?? Maybe in jest, but doubtful for two reasons:
1.). He has more class
2.). Thus far he has much fewer delegates than even Newt with his one win of the more populous state of SC.
So expect the battle to go on, at least through Super Tuesday!
But for now I say, congratulations Rick! You have run an outstanding campaign so far, remaining positive, focussing on the issues that are so very important to each of us.
I for one am tired of talking about how rich and removed Romney is, how many times Newt has been married or used his experience as the Speaker to consult with clients. I want to know each candidates plan for the economy, for decreasing our national debt and dependence on foreign oil, and am hopeful the remaining candidates will take your lead, focusing on solving the problems we currently face and making Obama a one term President!

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