If you are like me, you received the shock of a lifetime when the supreme court's ruling on the constitionality of Obamacare was announced. While I was shocked the law was found constitutional, I was in complete disbelief to learn the swing vote was provided by Chief Justice John Roberts.
I practically ran off the road pulling up the Drudge Report on my iPhone to confirm. Surely the news reports got the ruling wrong, it is simply not possible Chief Justice Roberts provided the swing vote.
So I said a little prayer as the app was loading only to be brought from disbelief to outrage when the bold red type said OBMAMA CARE STANDS.
For the ill informed who believe this ruling is somehow good news, I say just wait. It will be a matter of time only until you begin to understand the impact of the ruling, and discover there really is no such thing as a free lunch.
If you have an interest in understanding the impact of this ruling on your life, check back in a few days as I will give a succinct and 'dumbed down' explanation of the hidden taxes and costs associated with the Obamacare law. Did you really think a 2700 page law was only about providing affordable healthcare??????
Realizing the reports were correct, Obamacare stands and that not just Chief Justice Roberts but BUSH APPOINTED CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS provided the fatal blow I found myself wanting to provide a fatal blow to Mr. Roberts via a rock through his window with a note saying how fricking dare you (with a little less 'rick and a lot more 'uck). But as the day went on and the outrage subsided, I began instead researching the law and supreme court majority opinion for my written rock through Justice Roberts' window instead.
While reading excerpts of the majority opinion, no one was more surprised than me to find Justice Roberts' own words provided the most accurate and import lesson for me, for us all......
He writes: 'Members of this court are vested with the authority to interpret the law. We possess neither the expertise nor the prerogative to make policy judgements. Those decisions are entrusted to our nation's elected leaders who can be thrown out office if the people disagree with them. It is not our job to Protect the people from the Consequences of their political choices'.
And while I could not disagree more with the Supreme Court's ruling, I could not agree more with these words from Chief Justice John Roberts. It's as if he is trying to educate the American people while providing instruction on what to do next. And I found myself wanting to write my rock through his window less and less.
It is clear the majority of Americans disagree with the healthcare law, and in his opinion, Justice Roberts is challenging you, is challenging each of us to do something about it. Will you?
Afterall, we do have the power to change this ruling. The power and the responsibility resides with each of us. We have the power to vote Obama and any elected official who voted for Obamacare out of office. But we cannot complain about it if we don't act.
In 2008 I did act, did you? I knew who Obama was before he was elected. Did you?
I was proud that our country was going to have the opportunity to elect the first black president, but I knew who he was, what his record was and knew I would never vote for him. I did not allow myself to get carried away with the historic election while ignoring his record. Did you?
I worked for Mccain's campaign in a swing state to try and get him elected. I did everything I could to prevent the scenario we face today with the Supreme Court's ruling. Did you?
You may not agree with my opinions or positions and that is so ok with me. But like it or not, I am well informed on them. Are you?
So in my haste to let all of my outrage out on Justice Roberts, I was reminded that he is not the person who got us here, the ill informed who voted for Obama, or did not vote at all and now find themsleves outraged by this decision are, and now we all have something we can do about it. Will you?
As you decide how you fell about this ruling, or what you will do, I'll leave you to ponder one of my favorite Thomas Jefferson quotes:
Whenever people are well informed they can be trusted with their own government.
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