Out of the mouth of idiots, or in this case president Obama
In a speech to Virginia supporters regarding increasing taxes on those families/businesses earning 250k+ and individuals/bussinesses making 200k+, Obama said the following:
(please note, I purposely switched the order of the paragraphs to begin looking at BO's word choice)
If you were successful, someone along the line gave you some help.
There was a great teacher somewhere in your life.
Somebody helped create this Unbelievable American system we have That ALLOWED you to Thrive.
Somebody invested in roads and bridges.
If you own a business, you Didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.
There are a lot of wealthy successful Americans Who agree with me because they want to give something back. If you've been successful, you didn't get there On your own.
I'm always struck by people who Think, well it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than Everybody else. Let me tell you something-there are a lot of hardworking people out there.
Oh BO, class warefare at its finest and mixed in with the rhetoric, word choices giving each of us great insight into Your political philosophy and view of this unbelievable American system. 1-7, is the insight I gained after reading the speech. You can draw your own conclusions.
1.). If you were successful, someone along the line gave you some help.
BO's use of the word Were and have been later in his speech, and both in relation to an individial's success is both troubling and insightful.
This president is described as a great orator, and so I do not believe he says or does anything by accident. And when he has a slip of the tongue, it's always revealing (i.e. the 'spread the wealth' comment to joe the plumber when campaigning for president).
Regardless of whether the use of the past tense in relation to being successful is a slip or scripted, in my opinion it expresses the likelihood BO's policies will ensure those who achieved success will be less so if he is re-elected. His intention to tax those who are deemed by his administration to be too successful ensures they will not only be less successful, they will pay back those who gave help along the line.
2.). There was a great teacher somewhere.
Here BO gives a shout out to the teacher's union. Teachers good. Tax cuts for the rich hurt teachers.
3.). Somebody helped create this unbelievable American system that ALLOWED you to thrive.
BO's use of the word allowed, troubling and again insightful. Allowed is defined as To permit. To let have.
BO's use of allow expresses many things about the great orator's philosophy:
You are successful or thrive because of government
Without government help, you cannot succeed or thrive
Only certain folks in America were ALLOWED to succeed
Government alone should decide who succeeds, how much success is enough, how much the government keeps for allowing such success and how much will be transferred to others who undoubtedly helped you along the line.
4.). Somebody invested in roads and bridges.
Really? Do 'successful folks' not pay taxes, and don't our taxes pay for the investment in roads and bridges????
I can only assume BO threw this little tid bit in as an example of the necessity of his 787B stimulus plan, of which only 3% went to infrastructure projects, but ok.
And the most insightful statement in BO's speech requires 0 parsing of words to assess his political philosophy..........
5.). If you own a business. You didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.
Obama believes when someone has an idea, creates a business, and has success this person owes it to everyone else. There is no individual, there is only the collective. The individual's success is everyone's success and it must be shared. Again clearly illustrating, BO's philosophy:
You are successful or thrive because of government
Your success therefore is the government's to decide how best to share it with the collective.
6.) There are a lot of wealthy who agree with me, because they want to give something back.
What is stopping them BO????? Do they need government permission to write more charitable donation checks, or to increase the amount on the checks they currently write?
What stops these rich who are dying to do more from giving more to their communities directly vs. Paying more in taxes to the federal government where a % of their dollars will be wasted on bureaucratic red tape????
And how much more should the wealthy give, (the wealthy you don't know, the wealthy who feel they give enough).
The top 10% already pay 71% of federal income taxes, how much more should they pay 100%. What then incents this group to produce more, to create more jobs when so much already goes to government???
I have an idea, why dont you place pressure on Harry Reid to pass a budget spending less than it takes in???? We have not had a budget since 2009, why don't you clean your house before asking any American, rich or poor, to contribute another dime???
Curious, BO what do you call an economic plan selling taxing The wealthy more as its strategy to improve our economy, when we could take everything the wealthy make and own; and would not Have enough money to pay for one year's worth of government spending??
Idiotic at best, incompeent, class warfare at the worst, and your economic plan for the US.
7). I'm always struck by people who think, well it must be because I was just so smart. There are a lot of smart people out there. It must be because I worked harder than Everybody else. Let me tell you something-there are a lot of hardworking people out there.
BO's use of the word think is not only troubling. It's desperate. It shows his campaign's inability to run on his record, there desperation to gin up support, and resort to what they do best, insight class warfare by any means necessary.
And to do so, BO has been gifted with ability to mind read. He tells us he knows what those evil successful people think.
I'm curious, when is the last time you heard a business owner say he/she is a success bc they are just so damned smart and worked harder than anyone else???? I haven't.
Well maybe I've heard a few say they work hard, but they certainly haven't said they don't appreciate or understand others work just as hard if not harder.
Yet Obama seems to know what they think and he'd like nothing more than for us to buy into this too. Those of us who dont own our own business or don't find ourselves making over 200k. He'd like we who are deemed not successful to get angry at those who are, and get out and vote for him.
Bc BO understands us, he knows what we think. He knows you, the business owner, other americans would not and could not be a success without him, without government.
Without goverment Paving the way for those who succeed and helping those who don't. They allow the successful among us keep a portion of their success and give the remainder to those government thinks are just as smart and worked just as hard but somehow were not able to become a success even though the government allowed them to.
Right on my friend.
ReplyDeleteBravo! Couldn't agree more!!
ReplyDeleteYou are so right. Keep the blogs coming.
ReplyDeleteOne of my friends said when I posted the article on Facebook that the government built the roads which caused the businesses... Gotta love Libtards... Glad to see there are lots of other people not brainwashed by this pseudo president
ReplyDeleteLibtard. My new favorite word.