Monday, September 3, 2012

2016: Sleeper Hit of the Summer

Over the weekend, I went to see a movie taking Hollywood, the media and many Americans by surprise--2016:  Obama's America.  And while many see the movie as red meat for Republicans, I see it more as a stunning example of media malpractice.  Because whether or not you agree with Dinesh D'Souza's theory on who and what shapes Obama's political philosophy, 2016 provides more information in two hours than the media reported in over 5 years about a man who seemed to come out of nowhere and become the most powerful man in the world.

Personally, I believe everyone should see this movie.  And I'd be most interested in a review from someone who considers themselves to be an Obama supporter.  I'd like to know if anything in the movie was new information for you, and/or if anything you learned in the film would have changed your support for Obama in 2008?

As anyone who knows me or who has read my blog knows-I did not vote for Obama.  My decision to not support BO had nothing to do with him being a Democrat, and my being a Repbulican, and it had NOTHING to do with the color of his skin.  But most importantly, it had NOTHING to do with most of the information contained in the movie 2016.  
My reasons for not supporting BO were grounded in what little I did know about the man,:

  • His lack of experience in any area-public or private service
  • His liberal voting record in his short 2 year Senate career
  • His either indecision or deception in so many present votes vs. yea or nay votes over his very short political career
  • His class warfare and wealth redistribution philosophy, although mostly well hidden by scripted TelePrompTer appearances
But I pay close attention to politics, my assumption is most do not. So I often wondered while watching 2016 if media malpractice caused many Americans to support a man they knew very little about when we know almost everything, and maybe too much information about past presidential 

So Why such media malpractice in the case of BO?  In my opinion, or as the kids nowadays say, IMO, the media was either too invested in the election outcome (covering the historic election of our first black president) or too afraid to be labeled racist for investigating BO.

So I encourage each person, Republican, Democrat, Independent, non political to see 2016.  The movie provides a look into Obama's upbringing, his education, and those who mentored and helped shape the man and his political philosophy.  
2016 provides in two hours what the media failed to provide in over 5 years.  You can agree, disagree or debate D'Souza's theory in 2016, but I do not believe you can debate the failure of the media in vetting a man who is now the most powerful man in the world.
And to quote a line from the very limited 2016 advertising budget:  ''Love him, Hate him, you don't Know him". 
I encourage you, get to know Obama. 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE your response to the movie. I have not seen it yet. I want to share your blog:) I love it! You are an awesome writer!!
