Thursday, March 15, 2012

Hemy Neuman trial ends, and reality sets in

No not for Hemy Neuman, for me.  I'm going to have to go back to writing about politics-BORING, or my so called life-BORING(ER).  :)

Let's face it reading about murder, betrayal, sex, and crazy is a lot more interesting than writing about politics.  Although often times there is plenty of betrayal, sex and crazy in politics to go around! 

It's  probably a good thing the trial is over, as my obsession took a turn for the worse.  I knew it had gotten out of hand today when my 9 mile commute took an hour and fifteen minutes, and I not only did not notice, but did not want to get out of the car because I was engrossed in the local news coverage of the verdict.  An intervention was definitely in order.

Guilty but mentally ill was the verdict. 

When the foreperson read it, she was fine through guilty, then choked up when she added 'but mentally ill'.  My assumption is the jury may not have known whether the verdict they reached would set Mr. Neuman free, or send him to prison.  My other assumption is the verdict was reached as some sort of compromise.  An alternative to a hung jury for the one or two who may have bought the insanity defense.  We may never know. 

As is customary in a case like this, a press conference is held after the verdict/sentence imposed and although jurors could participate, none did.  I don't blame them.  People are very passionate about this case, no matter on which side they fall.  There is nothing the jury could say to satisfy those who disagree with their decision, so why subject themselves to those who would rip them apart for doing their civic duty.

The press conference went on an the defense attorneys, DA, Dunwoody Police Chief and Rusty Sneiderman's brother participated.  And while the reality had just set in that I'd be back to blogging about politics, or dare I say me, some of the press conference statements and/or responses lead me to believe I may not be writing about politics for very long.............................

DA Robert James was very eloquent in his words about Rusty Sneiderman and his family, reminding everyone that a good man lost his life and that the guilty verdict was about honoring Rusty, about justice for Rusty.  That too much time had already been spent focusing on Hemy and Andrea, and that he would not spend the entire press conference speaking about them. 

The DA made it clear he would look into whether charges should be brought against Andrea Sneiderman, and he made it even clearer emotion would not drive his decision, rather evidence and the ability to present a case against her would.  The most interesting response from the DA was to a reporter who asked him what he would say to those who question his inferring Andrea had something to do with the murder of her husband without having charged her, to which the DA replied I'd say 'stay tuned'.  Interesting.....

Rusty's brother, who was unbelievably gracious and eloquent in what I can only imagine was one of the most difficult times in his life, was crystal clear in his belief a criminal case against his sister in law should be pursued.  In his statement he said his family 'will have no peace until  everyone involved in Rusty's death is held accountable for their actions.  In the meantime, it is clear to me that Andrea is covered in Rusty's blood, and there are not enough rabbis in the world to wash away those sins'.  Ouch................ 

Hemy Neuman's defense team agrees with the Sneiderman family's opinion of Andrea's culpability.  Doug Peters said he believes 'she should be charged with murder, in the first degree'.  Only time will tell if Andrea Sneiderman will be charged, and clearly DA James will not pursue a case without evidence. 

At this point, my opinion remains unchanged...........................because in my heart, I don't want to believe Andrea had anything to do with the murder of her husband.  I do believe she had an affair. I do believe she used poor judgement resulting in Rusty's murder.   I believe that because she could not bear the thought that she had an affair with someone capable of killing her husband, she convinced herself she never did, and testified to it in court.

HOWEVER, it turns out I am wrong on occasion.  BUT do not tell my husband or my kids I admitted this.  I too have convinced myself that I could never have the ability to be wrong, so I convince myself, my husband and my kids of this, and I too would testify to it in court!

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