Wednesday, April 4, 2012

If it is not the Fault of the evil rich, it must be the evil oil companies

And with this line of attack, BO gets a two-fer as the evil oil companies are owned by the evil rich!

If you are buying BO's latest attack on big oil's record profit, well then you might be a liberal. It's the same old and tired class warfare play and gives you an insight to how the administration plans to campaign for re-election.
'don't look at my record, look at the evil rich loving GOP guy running against me, he supports his rich friends who don't care a thing about you'. Oh really, BO and what have you done since taking office to help the average Joe or Jane???

I remember tearing up after BO was elected, understanding his vision of America and what it could turn in to over 8 years, and trust me they weren't tears of joy. Clearly anyone who knows me, knows I didn't vote for him, but I did take much pride in that our country elected its first black president, it was a historic moment. It was just the wrong guy.

I also remember telling my husband that if BO got into office, made the economy and getting people back to work his highest priority, that his second term would be a slam dunk and not only would he have the political capital to get anything he wanted passed - health care, cap and trade, taxing the rich even more-- he would go down as one of the greatest presidents in U.S. history. And as much as I hated the thought of 8 years of BO, my hope and change was wrapped up in this vision of his presidency.

Instead, he held to his true form. He used the financial crisis to move his leftist agenda through rather than concentrating on the economy. Years later, we are at unemployment above 8%, with real unemployment even higher, gas prices over $4 in some states, and his solution is give me 4 more years, I'm just getting started, or tax the rich and blame the oil companies for the high gas prices.

Let me give you a quick summary of some of the gas co profits. Yes it's complicated, but the profit margins are slim. Why, because 1 of 5 oil wells actually find oil, but the oil companies still pay the expenses for the 4 that don't. And guess what, it turns out Research and development to make clean gas, cleaner forms of energy is not free-who knew. There are expenses related to sales, distribution, oil refinement, And depending in which state the gas is being pumped, the government's returns for doing absolutely NOTHING is upwards of 15% and higher than the dastardly, evil, oil company profit margin.

So  I say the government should give us a break, cut their % of profit and let us have a break at the pump, GASP!  I'd even rather the oil co keep it, as over 9M people work directly or indirectly for the evil oil companies, and we could use a few more jobs I hear.

But Stacy, if we take away a cent from our government's oil profit earnings, we could lose teachers, police, fire fighters and not be able to continue social security check payments.

Or maybe we could stop funding ridiculous projects like a bridge so turtles can safely pass from one side of the road to another, or defund studies that found prettier people do better in life-shocker, or my favorite, how about we stop producing signs to display by the random road or bridge repair showing us our tax dollars at work. Why don't you just do the job and save that expense.

Or how about getting rid of the oil co subsidies, this is a favorite line of attack lately. I say we do that at the same time we stop the Hollywood movie making subsidies, or did you not know about that one???
But how else will the fabulous movie industry make such classics as Jack and Jill if we don't allow them to write off the majority of their expenses??? Oh no, then crap ass films wont get made. I'd put my tax subsidy behind a co creating jobs and a product used by most citizens and companies than to subsidize the movie industry. Maybe the evil rich movie stars should take pay cut, have a few less staff members, homes etc to help a movie studio out??? Wonder why we don't hear alot about stopping this subsidy, oh yes maybe bc they are among the highest fund raising bundlers for BO.

As you can see, I am in quite a mood today. I cannot take the thought of 4 more years of BO. But if you think getting rid of him is going to solve the problems we currently face, then you are sadly Ill informed and should really work in that. Bc the moment we became a nation of takers, a nation of all is fair, there are no winners or losers on the baseball/football/soccer field, we gave away the keys to what made America great. Turns out there are winners and losers, and guess what pretty people do do well in life. Shocker