Friday, October 26, 2012

Gotta Love Twitter!

I haven't posted in a few weeks but it is not because I've had nothing to say regarding the latest political happenings.  Instead there is so much to say I've had a difficult time determining which story is of most significance or how to write about so many topics in a succinct manner?

And then last night I received a response from a Barack Obama supporter to one of my tweets prompting me to write this post.....  The tweet response is not the first one of its kind I've received from a BO supporter, and it  is actually one of the tamer ones.  But in my limited tweeting experience, it seems a typical response when a liberal has no argument or runs out of topics picked up from the latest DNC talking points.  Come to think of it, sounds a lot like Barack Obama's re-election campaign.  And it goes something like this.....

Me: I tweeted an article quoting Colin Powell's support of BO and his praising of BO's economic policies. Along w the link I said. 'I've lost much respect for CP.  What an Idiot'
Liberal:  just bc he doesn't agree wit (nice spelling). Some unknown, common, narrow minded stank hoe(Again. Nice spelling as I don't believe he was referring to me as a garden tool)
Me:  Idiot may have been a little too harsh, I meant moron. (notice my sarcastic humorous response)
From the libs next tweet, I believe sarcastic humor may be lost on him.....

Liberal:  Hoe (Again w the garden tool reference) might have been a little harsh. I should have said B!TCH (he used the I) CNT (he added a U before the N) go get raped and take dat dick. 
Me:  Language completely expected from a BO supporter. The POTUS who calls his opponent a bullshitter.
Liberal:  and I swear he said this, I am not making this up............... 'seriously name calling should stay out of intelligent political discourse, can't we disagree w/o being disagreeable'
After which I blocked the idiot-moron.

It's completely insane to waste time trying to have a discussion with a liberal of this nature.  One who resorts to name calling when he has nothing to say.

But really, why expect anything more from a BO supporter given what our POTUS and his re-election campaign team  believes will resonate with their base, such as:

  • Stump speeches about the big issues:  Big Bird, Bayonets, & Binders
  • An interview with Rolling Stone magazine in which Obama references Romney as a bullshitter.  (Such nice language from our POTUS, isn't he just so cool)!
  • Hit all the serious/hard hitting news & interview shows like:   Pimp with a Limp, The View, David Letterman, Jay Leno and The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.  None of which will ask him the tough questions like:

    • We understand the Benghazi attack is under investigation, and you don't want to politicize it or comment until the investigation is complete.  So then why did your administration repeatedly say the attack was the result of a spontaneous reaction to an anti-Islamic video after having knowledge the video had nothing to do with the attack?  That kind of seems like jumping to conclusions when you hadn't received all the facts.  
    • And, why is the video maker in jail without bond for breaking his parole when folks like Lindsay Lohan break theirs over and over by using drugs, shop lifting, being a no show for a court dates and yet somehow can get out of jail in a matter of days?  If I understand it correctly, the video maker broke his parole by using a computer to make the video that had nothing to do with the Benghazi attack.  And he remains in a CA jail with no bail until after the election. Harsh.
    • And finally, as you suggested, we investigated your debate assertion that Romney wanted to liquidate the auto industry, to destroy it, even writing an op-ed piece about it.  What we, and even David Letterman found true after reading the article was Romney said he thought a structured bankruptcy was more appropriate as it would allow the company to make the necessary changes to be successful in the long run.  Even David Letterman wants to know why you lied Mr. President. 
Lying about such easily proven facts seems ill advised when your latest campaign stump speech focuses on how this election is about who you can trust!  I couldn't agree more Mr. Obama, it is about who we can trust!  And unfortunately for you, the debates gave some Americans a chance to see the real you.
  • The real you without your  surrogates to explain what you really meant
  • The real you without the media to protect you
  • The real you without your teleprompter
And it seems with the addition of the Benghazi scandal, the trust of many Americans who voted for you in 2008 is beginning to wane.
One can hope anyway.

And finally, just when I think the BO campaign can't go any lower, they surprise us all by lowering the bar, again.   In an attempt to reach out to the youth vote, the campaign released a video comparing your first time voting to your first time having sex.  

Look I'm not a prude, and I'll give you creativity on this one when reaching out to the 18-25 year old crowd.  But as a mom and a US citizen I find the video tasteless, and it diminishes the office of the President.  
The only good thing I can say about it, is it shows the campaign's desperation to get out the vote.  
But while they may get a few more 18 year old voters to wake up in time to find their polling location, they have further eroded the female margin of support for BO.  Bad form, and bad campaign move.
But I'll let you decide:

Did I cover enough!!!


  1. good job again! I'm proud to be your friend! Robin

  2. Thank you robin. That is a very sweet thing to say. I love you and am very happy to call u my friend too!
