Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Libyan Timeline: Obama Administration Exposed

Below is a link to the timeline of the Obama administration's attempt to cover up the terrorist attack in Libya resulting in the death of 4 Americans.  The timeline provides an eye opening account of the administration's coordinated effort to mislead the American people and blame a video for sparking a spontaneous attack on our embassy, when they knew there was nothing spontaneous about it.

So why you ask did the Obama administration attempt to mislead the public about a terrorist attack  occurring on the anniversary the worst terrorist attack in our nation's history?  Doesn't make sense, right? 
Unless of course you have the most dismal domestic policy record since the Carter administration, and your convention's theme just days before the terrorist attack was based on how You (barack obama) single handedly  brought Al Qaeda to its knees and killed Osama bin Laden.  I seem to recall hearing 'ask Osama bin Laden if he's better off now'?

Add the convention theme to the inexperienced community organizer in office, and the result is panic.  You blame a spontaneous demonstration that never occured and a video for causing the death of 4 Americans.  You send your people out to perpetrate the lie, and count on the main stream media to not ask questions, and the scary thing almost succeed.

After the attack, Romney made a statement about it and the lack of leadership on BO's part, and the media covered Romney's statement for days vs. the mounting evidence of the Obama administration cover up .  You then attempt to keep the FBI from investigating the scene, saying its not safe for the FBI, but it was ok to leave our Ambassador unprotected?

In the clip you hear over and over about this offensive and disgusting video. Well let me tell you what I find offensive and disgusting..... The lack of security provided our ambassador/citizens.  The fact that our president knew this was a terrorist attack and proceeded to go to Las Vegas for a fund raiser after. The fact that his administration actively participated in lying to the American people to save face during an election year.
But most of all, I find it disgusting and offensive that our media is such a colossal failure. They are such a propaganda machine for this administration. Actively ignoring important news such as this because it may not help BO's re-election chances.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog, you're right on the money girlfriend! Keep it up! Robin
