Book Journal

February 24, 2012

Music has been a part of my life always. From singing along with Barbara Streisand and Neil Diamond as a child to screaming along to The Cult and the Foo fighters as an adult. Music has been with me. Often times allowing me a much needed outlet to express sadness, fear, joy and elation when I felt I was I'll equipped to express these emotions in any other manner.

Songs from childhood: descr of what was happening in life here

Teen songs:

College tunes:
Annie Lenox Why- college break up

Young adult


Why certain songs meant so much


  1. Blog more. It's been 2 months. Some of us want to hear.
    Minority White Male

  2. Hi Corybantic
    Thanks for your interest! :)
    I write a weekly column at:
    I'm in the process of moving my personal blog to wordpress, so check me out here
    I'm finding less time for my personal blog, but can keep up w my political opinion at The Brenner Brief
    Much appreciated!
