Saturday, January 28, 2012

Will Taxing the Rich Pay for Washington Spending????

Taxing the rich.....sounds good in theory
Class warfare is a tactic often used by the Democratic party, and is clearly going to be used by president Obama in his bid for re-election. So why do they employ this tactic so often? Because it works.
We have increasingly become a nation of people who believe fairness is the new American Dream. We no longer keep score at our kids games because we don't want anyone to lose. We want everyone to feel good, to be treated the same, to be paid the same.  You get the picture, or should I go on... And while this sounds good in theory, the problem is NOT EVERYONE IS THE SAME OR PUTS IN THE SAME EFFORT. Some people are smarter, work harder, and goodness forbid may be more fortunate or even be luckier.
Those evil CEO's we love to hate did not party hard in college and get average grades.  They missed their kid's games, friend's birthdays, and didn't travel every weekend to watch their college football team play. Hell, they probably went to a college that didn't even have a football team. (gasp)
The truth is they sacrificed. They worked harder, smarter and dedicated themselves to their career of choice. And after doing so, they had the audacity to succeed and make money. How fricking unfair!!!!
But let's say for a moment I agree that we should tax the rich more to help pay for our government's over the top spending habits. Would this help?  I had no idea, so I asked my Magic 8 Ball-Google.
The reader's digest version is below:
  • 2012 annual congressional budget:      $3.7 Trillion
  • Total US household  income:
  • (that's everyone rich and poor):          $8 Trillion
  • Obama's definition of the evil rich:     Households earning $250k+ per year
  • % of households making 250k+:         25% or $2 trillion
Let's do the math, shall we. 
$3.7 Trillion - $2 Trillion = $1.7 Trillion

So if we go with the brilliant Democrat/Obama strategy of 'tax the rich' and everything is gonna be alright, we could take 100% of the income earned by the evil rich making 250k+ and would still find ourselves short by $1.7 trillion.  And this is for one year only!!!  Imagine this happening year after year after year.....Oh wait, it already has, as our national deficit as of today is:

Is it beginning to set in, are you beginning to get what this means?????

Those of you who are so in favor of fairness, of taking from those who have more to pay for our government's out of control spending may want to rethink your position. Because once they finish confiscating more from those making over 250k in the name of fairness, they will come for you next.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Ask Rick santorum more questions!  Best quote of the night. Stop the
personal attacks, and non sense questions and let's get to the real
issues facing America!!! Amen Rick.
Cut to commerical and what is CNN-Wolfe blitzers next question-speaker
Gingrich you have called on mitt Romney to release his tax returns....
Blah blah blah. More personal attacks. I'm starting to think the
appropriate ticket maybe santorum/Paul
With a strong secretary of defense.
Can we get to the real issues now......please!!!!!!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Getting older is literally a pain in my a$$

There are so many positive things about aging I look forward to sharing with my children.  The increased sense of self and self confidence, the knowledge of what is truly important in your life.  The wisdom of knowing which relationships you will endure because they are worth it, and the ones you won't because they are not.  The type of wisdom only time and experience give you.

But there are some not so positive things age does to a person too, so many of which I am constantly becoming more aware of...The wrinkles, the gravity, the aches and pains and thinning of hair.  BTW  Thinning hair, seriously!!!!  This is very unfair to those of us who have struggled with thin (or as I like to call it FINE hair) all of our lives!  But I guess I cannot complain too much as I've been graced with my mom's good genes of very few grey hairs!  I am literally knocking on wood........and interestingly enough I found myself pulling on wood just yesterday, and no not that kind of wood, get your mind out of the gutter!!!  I was pulling on the wood of my desk to propel my aching a$$ up from my office chair.

Oh age, you have blessed me with arthritis in my tail bone and it turns out those 'old people' who used to say things like, 'Martha, it's going to rain.  My knee, back (insert any sore body part here) always aches when it is about to rain' weren't completely full of it.  My arthritic a$$ has been aching since Saturday and I literally dread having to get up to pee at the office because it is so painful.  Oh how I need some sunny days again!! 

But alas, even on those sunny days when my a$$ is not aching I am reminded of my age when I take the eye vitamins prescribed by my Dr to prevent macular degeneration--long story.  Oh yes, it gets harder and harder to pretend you are a spring chicken when you have to look at the picture on this box each morning!

Happy 42nd birthday to me!!!!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Chuck Norris Endorses Newt!

It's official. Newt Gingrich can't lose. He's just secured the coveted Chuck Norris endorsement. In case you are unaware of the significance of a chuck norris endorsement let me offer you the following facts about Chuck:
Chuck Norris was shot today. Tomorrow is the bullets funeral
Chuck Norris died 20 years ago, death just hasn't worked up the courage to tell him yet
Chuck Norris doesn't dial the wrong number. You answered the wrong phone
Everyone tries to be perfect. Perfection tries to be Chuck Norris
You get the picture.....With Chuck on your side, you can't lose!!

And another one bites the dust.....

Say it isnt so, Rick Perry out! And after entering the GOP race with so much promise and fanfare. It's amazing how quickly a bright star falls after a couple of sub par debate performances. Or was it the fact that if you closed your eyes and just listen for a few moments to Rick Perry that you were transposed to another place and time and thought you were instead
listening to the sweet sound of George w Bush. Unfortunately for Perry not everyone is brought to the same calm and serene place when they hear the sound of a Texas governor speaking about Christianity and the exceptionalism of America. But I have to admit I wasn't completely sold on the conservative record of a guy who campaigned for al gore, maybe it's just me though

And then there were 4: mitt Romney. Newt gingrich, Ron Paul and Rick Santorum
Or as I like to call them:
A rhino republican
A college professor
Walter (inside family joke)
A neophyte
Each of whom will make a far superior president than the left wing, socialist, college professor, inexperienced excuse of president we currently have

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Teebow!!!! It's kick off time!

I saw an interesting poll this week about Tim Tebow and whether those being polled thought God is responsible for Denver's winning season. 43% believed God is responsible for it!
And this has a few people up in arms! How dare anyone think God would ever be involved in choosing the outcome of a football game, it's just ridiculous!!!
Well is it?
I don't think so, but maybe because I look at the question in a different way. Do I believe God would be involved in determining the outcome of a game? I don't. But then again, I gave up a long time ago trying to figure out God. As Obama once said, that's above my paygrade. But then again most things are above his paygrade, but I digress.
I guess I don't understand the results of this poll being lower than say 90%, after all God gives each of us gifts and talents and what we do with these gifts is in our hands.
Tim Tebow takes his gifts, works hard, expects the very best performance from himself each week and inspired the rest of His team to do the same. By being a leader, by being committed to his sport, with drive and purpose he's taken the 1-4 Denver Broncos to AFC playoffs.
And. In doing so, Tebow inspired a nation, a nation of believers.
Maybe we believe in Tebow, maybe we believe in the underdog, or maybe we just need something good to believe in in a very difficult time
Or maybe Tebow uses his witness, his faith, his gifts, and turned some non believers into believers.
Do I believe the Broncos will beat the Patriots? The football fan in me says absolutely not. It would take a miracle. But I also did not believe they would beat the Steelers.
And because the football fan in me knows the Patriots are a superior team and the. Broncos should not win and yet continue to surprise us all, the believer in me thinks the Broncos will pull it off. That God will get involved in the outcome of this game.
Because what is happening surrounding Tim Tebow is not about the outcome of a football game really. It's about how so many of us want him to succeed. We want him to win. We want him to amaze. We want to believe!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Holy moly, I'm old

I may be back to blogging but it is going to take a lifetime to get this site the way I want it! I've spent the past two hours adding web links, one video and still can't figure out how to move one gadget further up the page!

Oh well, tomorrow is another day! I'm off to watch the Iowa caucuses!
The newest anti Romney, Rick Santoram is surging. An interesting twist given the fact he was barely asked a question in the record number of GOP debates in 2011

Monday, January 2, 2012

Back to blogging or writing as the case may be.....

So I don't think I've blogged or written for that matter since 2008. Could it be it's taken me this long to get over the fact that we elected Barack Obama as President? The seriously most unqualified person, other than me, we could have elected as leader of the free world?
Well that is definitely part of it! So fricking depressing is the state of our union when those now complaining of BO's lack of leadership are the same folks who voted him in office without doing any research into the guy?
Now I'll give some a pass in that the media reported the bare minimum about the guy and he had some really great catch phrases too. And we all know how difficult it is to get that annoying song or catch phrase out of your head when it's played over and over or is just really really annoying. Something about hope and change or change and hope? I've finally gotten it out of my head so I don't want to repeat it again.
Thank God we do live in a glorious nation, unlike any other, or at least for the time being unlike another, (read France, england, 19% unemployment and government healthcare oh wait. We have that one). We have the freedom to elect our leaders and kick them out. Lets just hope the American public gets it right this time! So back to blogging!
But in all seriousness, the dibilitating diagnosis of BO depression is only one of the reasons I stopped blogging.
Being a married, working mom of two has definitely made an impact on the amount free time available. If only I could figure out how to get 30 hours in a day.....

In 2008, I was 38, (such a youngster) with a 1 year old girl and a 5 year old boy trying to fit into a place i felt ill equiped to. I've since given up on trying to fit into the lovely community in which I live. Realizing somewhere after 40, that I am fine just the way I am and that all of the fitting in I felt compelled to do was more about my insecurities. I discovered that even though the wonderful women I've met here over the past four years may look like they have it all together on the outside they have just as many issues/imperfections/insecurities as I. The beauty is that somewhere after 40 I began to accept my faults, insecurities and embrace me. Rather than expecting perfection in me and everyone around me, I've decided to try and live life one day at a time enjoying and embracing the ups and the downs.

I was with a friend recently who is about 15 years older than me. She decided she wanted to begin volunteering with an organization with many areas to volunteer your time. To assign my friend or guide her in the best direction, the director asked my friend what was her passion. My friend looked at me and said she couldn't answer. She spent so much time being a wife, s mother, and then an employee that somewhere along the line she forgot her. What did she enjoy? What was she passionate about?
I almost teared up as she was talking because I've been feeling much the same way. Letting the daily routine get in the way of touching base with me.
What am I passionate about? I know I love to write, to follow politics, my family, to paint. So thank you Barbara, you inspired me to sit down and write again!

Life after 40, what will it look like? The second half of my journey, what will I discover? My hope is by writing here, I will again discover my passions, rediscovering me!

Now, who wants to take bets on how long it will be until I manage to write again?????