Saturday, January 14, 2012

Teebow!!!! It's kick off time!

I saw an interesting poll this week about Tim Tebow and whether those being polled thought God is responsible for Denver's winning season. 43% believed God is responsible for it!
And this has a few people up in arms! How dare anyone think God would ever be involved in choosing the outcome of a football game, it's just ridiculous!!!
Well is it?
I don't think so, but maybe because I look at the question in a different way. Do I believe God would be involved in determining the outcome of a game? I don't. But then again, I gave up a long time ago trying to figure out God. As Obama once said, that's above my paygrade. But then again most things are above his paygrade, but I digress.
I guess I don't understand the results of this poll being lower than say 90%, after all God gives each of us gifts and talents and what we do with these gifts is in our hands.
Tim Tebow takes his gifts, works hard, expects the very best performance from himself each week and inspired the rest of His team to do the same. By being a leader, by being committed to his sport, with drive and purpose he's taken the 1-4 Denver Broncos to AFC playoffs.
And. In doing so, Tebow inspired a nation, a nation of believers.
Maybe we believe in Tebow, maybe we believe in the underdog, or maybe we just need something good to believe in in a very difficult time
Or maybe Tebow uses his witness, his faith, his gifts, and turned some non believers into believers.
Do I believe the Broncos will beat the Patriots? The football fan in me says absolutely not. It would take a miracle. But I also did not believe they would beat the Steelers.
And because the football fan in me knows the Patriots are a superior team and the. Broncos should not win and yet continue to surprise us all, the believer in me thinks the Broncos will pull it off. That God will get involved in the outcome of this game.
Because what is happening surrounding Tim Tebow is not about the outcome of a football game really. It's about how so many of us want him to succeed. We want him to win. We want him to amaze. We want to believe!

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