Wednesday, February 1, 2012

It's Romney! At least for now.....

Romney wins big in Florida! Somewhat of a surprise, given the surge and SC win of the latest NON Romney-Newt Gingrich.

So is this a good thing?

Yes and No, I think??

Yes, in that there is a possibility people are beginning to coalesce (nice use of a big word) behind one candidate so we may begin the business of defeating Obama.  An no, in that there continues to be something GOP voters question in Mitt Romney.

To the conservatives in this group, I say- then put your support behind Santorum.  Help him mount a real challenge to Mitt Romney.  He's the only consistent conservative in the race. 

To the remainder, my gut tells me you may be among those who bought BO's hope and change, I'm a center type of candidate and have been in 'shock and awe' over his actual governing as a liberal.

So what is it the voters are so unsure of?  Mitt's record as Governor for one. He was the Governor of a blue state and did/said things that are completely different then he is doing/saying now.   Hence the unease.  I believe we all want a candidate who has convictions, and who is prepared to make tough decisions to turn the country in the right direction, as painful as those decisions may be politically.  Can anyone say Chris Christie!  Oh how I wish he had run, but guess what.  He has convictions and principle-he honored his commitment to NJ.  How would that look if had bailed on NJ to enter the  presidential race.  (it would look a lot like Obama as a Senator for about 2 years prior to running for president) but as I said, Christie has principle.

So it's understandable that voters are uneasy of putting into office another candidate who is saying one thing now to be electable and yet those very things contradict his past actions.

Do not misunderstand, I'm not a Romney hater.  I actually kind of like the guy.  And I'm not saying Romney can't change his position, of course he can. I believe maturity tends to change your perspective on many items. (ask any of my college friends, I was a total liberal then.  And now, well let's just say I'm saying/doing things a lot differently than I did then).  And quite frankly the economy is the most important issue facing us, and I quite like Romney's past actions in this area.

So what to do, what to do.

Become familiar with each candidates ideas for America. I've even made it easy for you, each candidate's link is on the right side of my blog. 

You don't have to look at every issue, look at the issues important to you or if you don't know what is important to you, look at these. Economy, energy, taxes and foreign policy.

What I think you will find is there is VERY little difference in each of the remaining GOP candidates' positions on these very important issues, and yet there is a VERY drastic difference in their positions and those of BO's.  So pick a candidate, support him in the primary and if he loses, support the winner in the election.  Because I am not sure I can handle the stench of another 4 years of BO.

1 comment:

  1. Amen sista, I only have ONE issue in this election...sending BHO back to Chicago.
